
The City of Marion have been approached by a developer (MAB CCT Pty Ltd) seeking to acquire Chestnut Court Reserve, Tonsley. This process has been administered through Councils Unsolicited Proposal process.

MAB CCT Pty Ltd. are proposing to build a fit for purpose factory for the tenancy of Tesla Inc. The proposal will establish a long-term tenancy for Tesla that will provide a facility for the repurposing of Tesla batteries, and a servicing facility and showroom for Tesla vehicles. Tesla have an existing presence at Tonsley and strong connection to the clean technology energy agenda of the Tonsley Innovation Precinct.

The proposal presents significant economic benefits with an estimated 100 jobs set to be created, and financial benefit for Council, with the proceeds of the potential sale to be allocated to Council's Asset Sustainability Reserve Fund. In addition, the proposal will generate continuous revenue from rates.

Chestnut Court Reserve has not been accessible to the public since 2016 due to contamination concerns. Through the sale of the land MAB CCT Ltd would be required to address the contamination to support a future development application.

Subject to a future development application a total of 58 trees will be required to be removed. This comprises of 2 significant trees and 28 regulated tees. It is estimated 62 trees will be required to be planted to offset the removals.


MAB CCT Pty Ltd. are proposing to purchase the Target Site area in the map below outlined in red, which comprises a portion of land currently owned by Renewal SA (shown in yellow) as well as Chestnut Court Reserve area shown in green, and a portion of the South Australian Housing Trust (SAHT) land shown in blue. The blue dashed outlined area on the map is owned by SAHT and is currently leased to Council for use as a reserve providing residents with open space till 2028.

Join the conversation

Section 194 (2) of the Local Government Act (1999) requires that the City of Marion must prepare a report for consultation on the proposal and undertake community consultation for a minimum of 21 days to collect community feedback in relation to the proposal to revoke this Community Land.

You are invited to view a copy of the Section 194 Report and provide your feedback via a short survey below.

If you wish to complete a paper survey or require assistance, please call customer service on 8375 6600 or email