Council Members have endorsed the Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024-2025 at their recent General Meeting on 25 June 2024. You can now read the final plan and summary of the plan. You can also review the community feedback report to see what other feedback we received. Thank you for taking the time to provide your important feedback on our Annual Business Plan and Budget.


The Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024-2025 shows how Council proposes to manage its annual $113 million budget to deliver quality services while maintaining close to $1.2 billion in assets across the council area.

Additionally, Council proposes to invest $33.8m in capital works including community and sporting facilities, playgrounds, and capital work programs including stormwater upgrades, footpaths, and road upgrades. This total proposed spend is made up of $15.2m for the renewal of assets and $18.6m for new and upgraded assets.

In developing the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024-25 and Council's Long term Financial Plan we have been mindful of current market conditions and developed these Plans to ensure project delivery in a financially sustainable way. Considerable work has been undertaken to also set a rate increase that balances the impact on our community without compromising on operational service or capital project delivery, while also maintaining a long term financially sustainable position for the City of Marion.

Council is proposing a 4.8% average rate increase for the coming year. Property owners may experience variation in that figure due to changing property values which are outside of the Council's control.

Council is keeping rates as low as possible whilst delivering necessary projects that will deliver much-needed upgrades to community facilities and improve the environmental sustainability of our community.

Join the Conversation

Consultation closed on 21 May 2024.