
The purpose of the Stormwater, and Fleet, Plant & Equipment Asset Management Plans is to improve Council’s long-term strategic management of assets so that they meet the required levels of service. The plans define the state of the assets and considers future requirements whilst balancing performance cost and risk. It provides the optimum lifecycle management and costs for the next 10 years and as set out in the Local Government Act 1999, Asset Management Plans are required to be updated every 4 years.

Stormwater Asset Management Plan -

Stormwater assets provide a means to transport gravitational flows of runoff water from impermeable surfaces following rain events to retention basins and larger channels. Stormwater assets include pipes, pits, drains and gross pollutant traps to provide an efficient method of collection and environmentally friendly disposal of stormwater run-off. 

The Stormwater Asset Management Plan has been developed to improve council’s long-term strategic management of the assets and to ensure the levels of service are sustained. You can also review the snapshot plan document for an overview.

Fleet, Plant and Equipment Asset Management Plan -

Fleet, Plant and Equipment assets are used by council to perform work on council’s assets. They are the machinery and hardware, operated safely, to ensure the services valued by the community are maintained in good condition and able to be used when needed.

Fleet, Plant and equipment assets are used to construct and maintain infrastructure and land, move materials and equipment and transport Council staff and community members. 

The Fleet, Plant and Equipment Asset Management Plan has been developed to improve council’s long-term strategic management of the assets and to ensure the levels of service are sustained. You can also review the snapshot plan document for an overview.