The City of Marion is undertaking minor improvement works at Fryer Street Reserve. This project was identified as a key priority in the Open Space Plan 2024-2034.
The planned works will include:
- New irrigation
- Tree planting (3)
- New toilet wrap
We are currently seeking feedback on the design options for the toilet wrap. The design options include:
Option A: Photo of Hallett Cove view and bridges
Option B: Digital artwork of flowers
Join the conversation
View the design options for the toilet wrap and complete the short survey below. You can also view the concept plan for the reserve that shows the position of the proposed new trees and the area of the reserve that will be irrigated.
Consultation is open until 5pm Friday 14 February 2025.
Contact council on 8375 6600 or email if you would like a hard copy survey or concept plan.
Next steps
Following this consultation, feedback will be reviewed and based on the results the preferred toilet wrap design will be selected and installed. The minor improvement works are anticipated to commence in April and be completed by end June 2025, subject to available budget.
A notice of works will be delivered to surrounding residents prior to the works commencing.
For further information about the design please contact the Open Space and Recreation Planning team on 8375 6600.