
The City of Marion wants to improve the safety of the Quailo Avenue / Gledsdale Road and Zwerner Drive signalised intersection in Hallett Cove.

This intersection has a poor crash history and is eligible for national Blackspot Program funding. The National Blackspot Program funds identified road safety improvement projects across Australia helping to prevent serious injuries and deaths.  

The project is designed to address both the number of casualty crashes (involving hospitalisation) and non-casualty crashes at the intersection over the last 5 years, as well as observed risks to pedestrians.

To investigate, the City of Marion commissioned a consultant to undertake a Road Safety Review of the location. The subsequent report identified the primary cause of all traffic related crashes, some potential pedestrian risks, and outlined prospective solutions.

Please note that student access and traffic congestion on Gledsdale Road for the Hallett Cove R-12 School are also being reviewed through a separate project. Details will be made available in coming months.

Proposed improvements

The traffic improvements proposed for the intersection include the introduction of three new right-hand turn arrows from Quailo Avenue to Zwerner Drive, from Zwerner Drive to Quailo Avenue (north) and from Quailo Avenue (north) to Gledsdale Road. These controlled right hand turn movements will remove the requirement for drivers to judge gaps in traffic, placing them at risk of an accident, which were the primary causes of casualty crashes experienced at this intersection.

The proposed pedestrian improvements are raised platform crossing points ("wombats") across each slip lane of the intersection. These improvements will slow traffic and highlight the priority for pedestrians (including parents and school children) moving through the intersection to get to and from the Hallett Cove R-12 School and the shopping centre. This recommendation was based on observations of people unsafely interacting with traffic at the intersection during peak times.

A right-hand turn ban from Zwerner Drive into the shopping centre is proposed to relieve traffic congestion through the intersection during peak times. This was an issue observed during several site visits and is a measure that could be considered in addition to the Blackspot application treatments.

An illustration of the proposed upgrades is below and attached for download and printing.

Join the conversation

Before applying to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport for potential Blackspot funding in November 2024, we would like to hear your level of support for the proposed safety improvements.

You can learn more through the Frequently Asked Questions and you can download a copy of the upgrade plan here.

Your input is important to us, and we encourage you to complete the short online survey below to provide your valuable feedback. Consultation closes on 22 October 2024.

To arrange a hard copy survey and plan, please call council on 8375 6600 or email