
Latest news - March 2022

18 March 2022

A follow-up event to the 2021 Marion 100 Community Summit was hosted by the City of Marion this week.

Called Marion 100 Have Your Say On The Budget, the event was held at Flinders at Tonsley with the objective of seeking feedback on a range of strategic questions regarding Council’s upcoming 2022/23 Budget.

More than 40 people attended, including several Elected Members who took part in a Budget ‘Question Time’ and fielded questions submitted by community members.

The evening program covered three activities, with the City of Marion seeking feedback on:

  • Ranking, in order of first, second and third preference, 11 projects that have been flagged with the Council but are yet to secure council funding commitments.

  • How attendees would prefer to prioritise the allocation of rates.

  • The City of Marion’s community vision and how the council could align its services and achieve its “values” to make the community more liveable, valuing nature, innovative, prosperous, connected and engaged.

The results of these activities were presented to Elected Members.

Several general inquiries about council matters were also raised during the event.

The City of Marion is preparing responses that will be shared with the attendees as soon as possible.

The City of Marion values the input of such a diverse and representative group as the Marion 100 community.

Council will be running future Marion 100 events and invites participants to continue their involvement.

The City of Marion will be looking to extend an invitation to other members of the community who may wish to participate.