Project update - 14 September 2023
At their meeting on Tuesday 12 September, council voted to proceed with the process to revoke the Community Land title at Warracowie Way, Oaklands Park. The request will be forwarded to the Minister for Local Government for approval to revoke the subject Reserve from its community land classification. You can review the Community Feedback Report to view comments made by the community on this proposal.
Work is continuing on the upgrade of the Marion Cultural Centre Plaza and a key component of the project is to formalise vehicle access to the Marion Westfield shopping centre.
The land located south of Warracowie Way and Milham Street between the Marion Cultural Centre Plaza, Centrelink and Westfield car park, which is currently used for vehicle access, is registered as a Reserve (Community Land) and not a road reserve.
The subject Community Land proposed for revocation is described as Allotment 220 in DP 56981, comprised in CT Volume 5848 Folio 473 and is bordered in red on the plan. It is Councils intention to vest the land bordered in orange as road reserve, and land bordered in blue to be retained and merged with Council's adjoining allotment being the Marion Cultural Centre.
To formalise vehicle access to Marion Westfield, the revocation of this community land is required for the creation of a road reserve to occur.
Section 194 (2) of the Local Government Act (1999) requires that the City of Marion must prepare a report for consultation on the proposal and undertake community consultation for a minimum of 21 days to collect community feedback in relation to the proposal to revoke this Community Land for the creation of a road reserve.
Click here to review the report.
Join the Conversation
You can provide your feedback via the short survey below and you can also access a hard copy of the report and survey at Council’s Administration Centre, 245 Sturt Road, Sturt.
Feedback closes at 5pm Monday 7 August.