
City of Marion is writing its first Multicultural Plan!

The City of Marion area is home to people of many cultures, religions and languages, who come from all around the world (multicultural).

Our goal is to ensure that everyone feels welcome, connected, and able to contribute to our liveable, sustainable, community.

  • Did you or your parents come to Australia from another country?
  • Do you use a language other than English at home?
  • Do you live, work, study or regularly visit the City of Marion?

To help us develop our Multicultural Plan, we want to hear from you! We would also like to hear ideas from the broader community.

Join the conversation

Please complete the survey and tell us:

  • What would make the City more welcoming?
  • How can we help you feel more connected?
  • What can we do to make our facilities and information more accessible?
  • How can we better support your participation in Council decisions?

We will not ask you for your name, so your ideas and opinions will be private. We will use your answers to help us to develop the Multicultural Plan. This plan will guide how Council supports multicultural people to contribute to the City of Marion and to be a part of the community.

You can email to submit a written submission or to request a hard copy survey.