Construction of the State Government funded Tram Grade Separation Project at Cross Road and Marion Road is expected to begin from mid 2024.
Congestion at these crossings causes significant delays, increased traffic through local streets, an increase in potential accidents as drivers take more risks and delays for public transport users. Currently pedestrians and cyclists must navigate multiple tram crossings in order to access public transport services, local businesses and community services.
You can read more about this project on the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) website. The image to the right is an artists impression only and has been sourced from the DIT website.
The City of Marion is committed to working collaboratively with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) on current and future projects and consider traffic management improvements in local streets where issues are identified.
Join the conversation
As residents living near the Tram Grade Separation Project, we would like to hear from you about:
- Thoughts or concerns about the potential impacts of the Tram Grade Separation project on your street
- Existing concerns you have in relation to traffic and parking in your street
- Any suggestions you believe may help to improve traffic, parking and walking and cycling through the area
Please complete the short survey below before it closes at 5pm Monday 26 June.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss further, you can contact the project team via or on 8375 6600.