
Draft Asset Management Plan: Artworks, Culture and Heritage

20 May 2024

Artworks, culture, and heritage assets reflect the development of the City of Marion community, its diversity, and its history. It acknowledges, and celebrates place, preserves local stories, informs, educates, creates conversation, questions, inspires, and connects.

The City of Marion provides artworks and historical assets for the community to improve the liveability and enjoyment of public spaces and to be a valuable resource of artistic, cultural and heritage information. 

The Artworks, Culture & Heritage Asset Management Plan has been developed to improve council’s long-term strategic management of the assets to ensure the levels of service are sustained.

Join the conversation

We are now consulting on our Artworks, Culture and Heritage Asset management Plan 2024 - 2034 and are seeking your feedback. Consultation closes at 5 pm on Monday 10 June.

Review the plan and also the summary snapshot report and then provide your feedback by completing the survey below.

You can access hard copies of the plan and survey at our library facilities or call 8375 6600 to arrange postage of a copy.