
The City of Marion’s Road and street network affects all residents, businesses, visitors, and those who drive through the Council area to reach other destinations. The design of our streets can have a reaching impact through providing amenity, economic development, and improved community health & safety outcomes.

To maximise these benefits, council has a Streetscape Policy and Walking and Cycling Strategy to ensure that the street network within the City of Marion is continually revitalised.

The strategy has identified Raglan Avenue as one of the streets that council will be upgrading. It will be upgraded in a staged approach. Council will be delivering the initial stage with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) upgrading the South Road and Raglan Avenue intersection as part of their Torrens to Darlington project and improvements for southwest road users.

SectionProject LeadCommencement
Stage 1Roberts Street/Towers Terrace roundabout to Railway TerraceCouncil ProjectLate 2024
Stage 2South Road and Raglan Street intersection upgradeDIT Project2025

A proposed street plan for stage 1 has been developed for community consultation. The State Government have provided funding of $510 000 towards this stage of the project.

The proposed features of the design include:

  • New footpaths will be constructed with permeable pavers to reduce stormwater run-off and allow for the soakage of water to support the health of street trees and vegetation during the summer months
  • New pavement markings and dedicated / painted cyclist lanes to improve cyclist safety and road user awareness at road intersections
  • A roundabout upgrade at intersection of Raglan Avenue and Robert Street/Towers Terrace, including
    • Revised kerb line geometry to reduce vehicle entry/exit speeds
    • Cyclist bypass ramps onto widen footpaths, that help reduce vehicle and cyclist conflict
    • Improved pedestrian crossing points
  • The provision of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Raingardens and soakage wells
    • The capture of road stormwater will irrigate garden beds, will improve stormwater quality and reduce flows into the gulf
  • Increased landscaping, including additional street trees to improve urban tree canopy and reduce the heat island effect
  • Improved Bus stop shelters
  • Public Art opportunities

Join the Conversation

Your feedback is very important to us, and we invite you to review the concept design for the proposed street plan and provide your feedback by completing the short survey below. Consultation is open until 5pm Sunday 16 June.