March 2024 - update

Community consultation was undertaken on the draft plan during January and February 2024. At their meeting on 12 March 2024, council noted the community feedback report and endorsed the Tree Asset Management Plan 2024-2034. You can now view the final plan. We would like to thank you for your feedback that has helped shape the plan.


The City of Marion’s Urban Tree assets provide many benefits to our community. Our vision is to have streets and parks which are lined with mature, healthy trees that are a habitat for birds and other wildlife. The community values and appreciates the city’s trees for their shade, appearance, and the contribution they make to the environment. The trees assets included in this plan have a total replacement value of $16.75M based on the costs of replanting to attain establishment status.

In March 2023 council asked the community to provide feedback on how it manages urban trees on council land as we move to a strategic approach that values trees as assets. You can view a summary of feedback here.

All feedback has been considered and has assisted with the development of the Draft Tree Asset Management Plan 2024-2034.

Tree Asset Management Plan

Our Tree Asset Management Plan provides information on the state of the trees assets and their capability to meet the levels of service and demand requirements in a safe, cost effective and sustainable manner for the next 10 years.

Council has a target to increase its urban tree canopy by 20% from its existing level of 11.6% in line with the SA Government targets set. To achieve this, we are planting 4,300 trees each year across the city and hope to have the majority of these trees planted by 2027/2028.

Join the conversation

The survey closed at 5pm on Monday 5 February 2024.

If you have any questions or comments you can speak to the project team on 8375 6600 or via