Update - December 2024

At the Council Meeting held on 26 November 2024, Council Members endorsed the Draft Walking and Cycling Guidelines and 4-yr plan. We would like to acknowledge the feedback that we received from the community which we used to help us improve the plan. You can review the feedback received, which is detailed in the community feedback report.

Here are the final walking and cycling guidelines for your review. You can also review the projects in the 4 year plan.

How your feedback was used

Adjustments to existing wording were made to the plan to incorporate feedback in relation to:

  • path signage
  • mobility considerations for aged / disabilities
  • inclusion of art
  • enhancing separation from traffic and crossing safety
  • references to the Active Travel Design Guide and other relevant Austroads documents

Each individual comment relating to existing and future infrastructure within the Interactive Map was also noted for potential inclusion in current or future projects as part of the 4-Year Plan.

Projects suggested by the public, which are considered viable, will be scoped and assessed within the prioritisation matrix for consideration within updates to the 4-Year Plan and Capital Works Programs.

The Walking and Cycling 4-Year Plan will be reviewed annually, with individual projects updated if required and following consulatation. This will ensure the plan can be adapted to consider projects that could be awarded external funding (e.g. from the Department of Infrastructure and Transport) and become financially viable.


The Draft Walking and Cycling Guidelines

The Walking and Cycling Guidelines provide direction on the City of Marion’s on-going commitment to expand on our existing walking and cycling facilities to create safe and people-friendly streets.

Regular walking, cycling and other active travel modes (which include mobility scooters and other small-wheeled devices) encourage healthy and active lifestyles, reduce traffic congestion, and support vibrant local economies and environmental sustainability.

The Guidelines also inform and support the development of 4-year priority cycling network plans, and new and improved walking links, using best practice techniques. They outline the proposed future network, expanding on the existing network.

The Draft 4 Year Plan

The Draft Four Year Plan outlines the identified priority projects with an annual investment of $300, 000, and other commitments the City of Marion will make to improve walking and cycling facilities more generally. The proposed projects have been prioritised according to their ability to expand on facilities already planned or underway (timing), their proximity to schools, public transport, activity centres (safety and use), and their anticipated cost and ease of delivery (constructability). Each of the projects contribute to the development of the City of Marion's walking and cycling network.

For further information you can contact the project team on 8375 6600 or by emailing communityengagement@marion.sa.gov.au